Culinary Garden Design
Services & Consulting

Welcome friend! My name is Chef Stephanie Chinchilla. Im a trained Chef by trade & a self taught garden girl. I am in Zone 10B & our home garden is 3 years old & thriving! If you are interested in starting your own garden at home I would love to help you.
I have spent 1000's of hours reading books & watching YouTube videos to learn, and significantly more time than that out in my garden hands on learning through trial and error. I KNOW from experience I will certainly save you a lot of tears, effort, time & money helping guide you to get started. You don't have to figure it out! Im here to help.
I can teach you about:
Soil Testing
Fertilyzers & different amendments
Growing from seeds or plants
Garden zones & frost dates
Who to follow & learn from
Garden budgets
I can help you select:
Garden Beds
Soil (it matters a lot)
Where to order seeds
What fruit trees to get & why it matters
What not to get because its a waste of money
Self watering system​
Why You Should Garden
1. It gets you outside and in the sunshine consistently which is an excellent source of Vitamin D & a mental health booster
2. It's a daily dose of silence. The garden provides the peace and quite to think alone
3. I love delayed gratification. Planting seeds and reaping the harvest months later brings a sense of pride from hard work
4. If you have kids like me, you may want them on less screen time and more time outside learning, playing & working hard. Having our gardens at home teaches them that in a fun & rewarding way.
5. Food straight from the garden tastes different & better. Don't believe me? I dare you to try!

What To Grow
Whether you want an herb wall, garden beds, a citrus grove, espalier fruit trees, a berry patch or a pumpkin patch, I can design & set it up for you.
Culinary Garden Design Consultation Rate
$150/Hour, 3 Hour Minimum/Day
Are you interested in starting a garden? Im here to help. I offer private consultations and garden design services.
Live Virtual
Gardening Class
I host live gardening classes a few times a year. Subscribe to be notified when tickets to garden classes are available to book.
Chicken Coop Design
& Set Up
$150/Hour, 3 Hour Minimum/Day
Or Send An Inquiry For A Project Rate
Are you interested in getting chickens? I can help you design & start your coop & teach you what you need to know to have healthy happy hens.
Garden Sip & Seed Party
Culinary Garden Design Project Rate
Schedule A Free 15 Minute Consultation
Want a price for me to design your garden start ot finish? Schedule a free consultation appointment to get an estimate. During the appointment Ill ask you a handful of questions to help give you an accurate estimate.